Program Description:
As mental health professionals, we are inundated with information on diversity and multiculturalism, especially about its importance to competent service delivery. The ethical and professional mandate is for us to demonstrate multicultural competence. Yet, there is a proliferation of confusion, competing perspectives, and even polemics on the topic. How are we to make sense of it all? Many psychologists are left with the nagging sense that something is missing, that they are uncertain about their own multicultural competence, and that ultimately, they are left to surmise whether they are fulfilling the diversity mandate.
This workshop provides a conceptual framework that organizes the major themes and issues of service delivery to clients across racial, ethnic, and cultural lines. The framing is relevant to all mental health professionals, regardless of their specialties. Translating the framework into practical application is a component of this training.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this program, participants will be able
1. To map the big picture and little pictures of multicultural counseling.
2. To clarify what we know from the research.
3. To explain the core components of multicultural counseling competence.
4. To provide an example of multicultural case conceptualization.
When: Friday, February, 7, 2025 from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Where: Online via Zoom (link will be emailed 3 days before the event)
Cost: BVPA Members Free, Non-Members $80, TPA Members 10% discount at registration with TPA Member Number, Student Non-Members $10.
About our Speaker
Dr. Charles Ridley
is a licensed psychologist and professor in the counseling psychology program at Texas A& M University. He previously was on the faculty at Indiana University and Fuller Theological Seminary. He also is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association. His major research interests are multicultural counseling, therapeutic change processes, and religious resources in psychotherapy.
Dr. Ridley has given previous presentations for BVPA on Thematic Mapping and on Multicultural Awareness. We are looking forward to hearing about his latest research and insights.
Brazos Valley Psychological Association - Major Themes and Issues in Multicultural Counseling & Therapy