Licensee |
Personal |
Personal or Legal Entity (Company)
Registered capital less than $150,000
Personal or Legal Entity (Company)
Registered capital less than $300,000
Personal or Legal Entity (Company)
Registered capital less than $1,500,000
Applicable groups |
For Personal Use |
Start-up Team |
Micro Enterprise |
Medium-sized Enterprise |
Authorization Term |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Portrait Authorization |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Permanent |
Authorized Agreement |
Personal Authorization |
Enterprise Authorization |
Enterprise Authorization |
Enterprise Authorization |
Online Invoice |
Social Media Marketing
(Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, etc.)
Personal Commercial Use
(Limit 20,000 Impressions)
Digital Media Marketing
(SMS, Email,Online Advertising, E-books, etc.)
Personal Commercial Use
(Limit 20,000 Impressions)
Web, Mobile, Software Page Design
Web and APP Design,Software and Game Skin,H5,E-commerce and Product, etc.
Personal Commercial Use
(Limit 20,000 Impressions)
Product Marketing and Business Plan Report
Proposal of Network Design, VI Design,Marketing Planning,PPT(Non-Resale), etc.
Personal Commercial Use
Physical Product Printed Items
Product packaging,Books and Magazines,Newspapers,Cards,Posters, Brochurs,Coupons, etc.
Personal Commercial Use
(Printing Limit 200 copies)
Limit 5000 Copies Print |
Limit 20000 Copies Print |
Unlimited Copies Print |
Outdoor Advertising Marketing and Display
Outdoor Billboards, Bus ADs;Shop Windows,Office Building,Hotel, Shops, Other Public Places, etc.
Personal Commercial Use
(Printing Limit 200 copies)
Mass Digital Media
(CD, DVD, Movie, TV, Video, etc.)
Personal Commercial Use
(Limit 20,000 Impressions)
Physical product resale
textiles, mobile phone cases, greeting cards, postcards, calendars, cups, T-shirts
View details
Online resale
Mobile wallpaper, Design templates, Design elements, PPT templates and use our designs in main element to resale.
Portrait Commercial Use |
(For learning and communication only)
Portrait-sensitive Use
(tobacco, medical, pharmaceutical,cosmetic and other industries)
(For learning and communication only)
(Contact customer service to customize)
(Contact customer service to customize)
(Contact customer service to customize)